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When life gives you lemons...

Stay in shape.

Credit Fitness

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"The sure way to miss success is to miss the opportunity."

- Victor Chasles

Almitra Tankersly

Credit Fitness™ is the concierge of credit consulting, coaching, education, and enhancement services for business owners and working professionals. Opportunities to secure personal and business funding for yourself and your business is just a click away.​

Don't miss your opportunity!

Join the Credit Fitness™ Club today and receive

FREE credit tips and advice.

CreditFitness Club
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credit fitness workout

"Credit Fitness is a lifestyle."

Stay in shape.

We believe Credit Fitness™ is a lifestyle. It will help you create a stronger personal and business credit profile that may eliminate personal guarantees on future loans and credit lines. 

Gain clarity and start your credit building journey today. 
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If you have fallen into any credit challenge big or small, our staff goes beyond the traditional methods of credit enhancement. We help you obtain higher credit scores through strategic consulting, coaching and education using simple techniques that the law affords you to have as a consumer to have a fair and accurate credit report.

Our unique program can help you remove low credit score challenges and get you approved for products and services you want or need during your credit consulting and enhancement process. As a result, you will be a happy client and can afford this same opportunity to your own clients.

What is Credit Consulting? Most credit repair companies, large and small may only offer a free 15 minute consult on 1 credit report with 1 free consumer or Vantage credit score. With our extensive professional knowledge and credit enhancement experience we know the majority of consumers have problems with all 3 Major Credit Bureaus, NOT just one.

credit fitness fico scores


Credit Fitness™ provides organic results and confidence for business owners and working professionals, because we can get the job done. In the end, you may gain increased sales, bottom lines, successful transactions, settlements and more closings.

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(a little credit humor)


credit humor

Jump Start Express

Jump to the front of the line with Jump Start Express. 


DO YOU WANT THE SECRET BLUE PRINT to easily establish lines of credit and funding for your business without having to use your personal credit and/or resources in a few short weeks?


Look no further. Jump Start Express is the one stop shop to accomplish your business credit building goals today at the most affordable opportunity. 

It is the ideal package for any inspiring new or struggling seasoned business owner who wants:

  • Instant access to the Secret Blue Print, one of a kind You -vs- You self paced program that fully lays out the plan to start building business credit for your business with our top tracking software to measure your progress. 

  • 1st priority scheduling with our staff for a discovery call

  • To privately speak and consult with the CEO of Credit Fitness^  1 on 1 for 60 minutes to address your concerns about your credit building journey. 

  • A full detailed 3 in 1 Credit Bureau Assessment and Analysis Report delivered privately and confidentially to your email within 48 business hours.

Never Waste VALUABLE Time again searching the internet for answers and how to's with our ADDED SOFTWARE BONUSES

  • Short 1 to 5 minute tutorial videos that are easy to understand the process of building business credit

  • Click and point links that are live and up to date to help you land on the correct web pages to complete the necessary tasks to register your business with the state and other vendors without ever leaving our software platform.

  • Your efforts are tracked seamlessly, your work is automatically saved and recorded until you return to complete the next steps. 

  • Minimize common mistakes and even eliminate bank declines business owners face when chugging through this process

  • Get a free monthly Experian credit report assessment and progress report to view and measure your business credit profile [$100+ Value]

  • Short 1 to 5 minute tutorial videos that are easy to understand the process of building business credit

  • Click and point links that are live and up to date to help you land on the correct web pages to complete the necessary tasks to register your business with the state and other vendors without ever leaving our software platform.

  • Your efforts are tracked seamlessly, your work is automatically saved and recorded until you return to complete the next steps. 

  • Minimize common mistakes and even eliminate bank declines business owners face when chugging through this process

  • Get a free monthly Experian credit report assessment and progress report to view and measure your business credit profile [$100+ Value]


​Register now for your priority discovery call, consult with the CEO and instant access to the most sought after easy to use software to track and expand your credit building efforts for your business. 

$797.00 down

6 easy pays @ $147.00 per month

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